Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865: Rebecca Otis Tent #54

Our Purpose

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To perpetate the memory, deeds and loyalty of those ancestors who sacrificed so much in the struggle to preserve the Union and establish freedom for everyone;
To cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom;
To foster true patriotism and love of country and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty;
To maintain at our museum and headquarters in Springfield IL, genealogical files and records of members, their Civil War Ancestors, and their desendants, for coming generations;
To operate a free, public museum containing Civil War artifacts and relics of Union Veterans, a library of Civil War histories, military and regimental records, Adjutant General Reports for the various states, and historical records pertaining to the Grand Army of the Republic;
To promote interest in Civil War history; to cooperate in movements relating to veteran, civic, and welfare projects;
To promote equal rights and universal liberty for everyone; to hallow the name of the Grand Army of the Republic on Memorial Day since Memorial Day--today--hallows the memory of veterans of all wars.

Our Mission

To spread widely the teachings of Patriotism, that those who dwell in this broad land of ours will so live that in peace or in war, there shall be no stain on "the Flag Our Fathers Saved."

copyright 2006-2009 DUVCW Rebecca Otis Tent #54

Our Ancestors